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Весь контент 4ukwatuthink

  1. [quote name='kyddio']kalinka is nice, dun shit here. ivory has a beautiful accent. bettah den yours;) then, if ya call yourself "fukwhatchathink" u better be responsible for whatcha sayin:p i know many ungifted "american" "rappers". u know, like those who call demselves "the playaz of a game" et cetera. and u remind me some of em. so do your own shit, i better go and sing my kalinka malinka. and keep fuckin what you think!!! it is necessary. and by the way: i not know english. i is only learned chinese. cheers. :D :D[/QUOTE] Wow Wow end of discussion i see U some morron! hey son! who the fuck u think u r to tell me to be responsible 4 what i'm saying bitch! U watch u mouth boi! for u don't know me ya herrd! if u want responsibility then please ask me!!! i'll do a few calls to SPB and get some hommies over there teach U responsibility muhphucker!! and who gives a fuck 'bout U'r so call ivory's accent and u'r knowledge 'bout ungifted American rappers...As i said and will say it for the last time read below [QUOTE]рашн рэп принцесс??? воу! блин у неё акцент жжжёстче чем у айвори. и голос дурацкий. и минуса тупые какие-то... темы на руском ваще трэшёвые... да и выглядит она тоже неочень...)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Outlawz, T.I это не делает ее лучше-) the rap starlet[/QUOTE] [B]Dont go 'bout saying shit 'bout p'ple u don't know, just because u can't be who they be [/B][COLOR="Blue"][B]thats jelousy (pavtarayu ni nada drugim Zavidovat patamushta u tebya pespectiva net i nichivo ni paluchaetsya!)[/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE] P.S. Россия для русских)))))))))) упс)[/QUOTE] [B]Don't go 'bout expressin' hatred 4 no reason [COLOR="Blue"](Eta nazivaetsa racism, i vseh katori vsegda tak gavarit vsegda ni polni Russki, kak i ti vidima)![/COLOR][/B]Plus i can tell U the type who dream 'bout America allday thats why U hate the other cuz U not in thier place P.S - See P'ple who do the above usually don't live long! take note - One more thing if u don't know english then How The fuck U be saying another person has an accent and by the way:kyddio Unlike u I understand russian more better than u understand english and i'm at the moment sharpenin up my "MATOM"!
  2. [quote name='FearSence']оу! чёрт! P.S. Россия для русских)))))))))) упс)[/QUOTE] HA HA HA son! u make me laugh! then why u be trying to rap in english Its not u'r culture C'mon dawg do sing the KALINKA-MALINKA!!! Boi! thats u'r culture Or better give respect 2 those who do what they do!
  3. [quote name='FearSence']рашн рэп принцесс??? воу! блин у неё акцент жжжёстче чем у айвори. и голос дурацкий. и минуса тупые какие-то... темы на руском ваще трэшёвые... да и выглядит она тоже неочень...)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]это не делает ее лучше-) the rap starlet [/QUOTE] WTF- Hey thats playa hatin'...For curiousity sake i visited u'r page and heard u'r own tunes and that of u'r crew or whateva u call u'rselfs...and u know what?....u'r own music is [U]bullshit[/U] for real and u'r [U]aksent[/U] is as fucked as 'em public toilets :D Advice to the needy! and u critics [I]U better take a look at urself in tha mirror b4 offerin' out what u got in u'r little box to others[/I] Have a nice day!
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