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SoundTrek Jammer Professional v6.0.5.1 + SoundTrek Jammer v6 All Styles Sets Addon скачать.


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Dead On Arrival

Presentz :


SoundTrek Jammer v6 All Styles Sets Addon


size 02x5mb

date 12/18/8


This package includes all available style sets for JAMMER Pro.

Each style set includes original band styles, drum styles, musicians and grooves,

designed and created by professional musicians and ready to be used in JAMMER Pro

versions 5 and later.


This package contains the following style sets:

Jazz & Blues Volume 1

Rock Basics Volume 1

Assorted Styles Volume 1

Assorted Styles Volume 2

Assorted Styles Volume 3

Assorted Styles Volume 4


Registration : see key.txt




DEAD ON ARRIVAL : we sure acknowledge that what

we do may be questionnable, but considering a lot

of people seem to like our releases (no matter if

they expire or not), we shall keep on releasing

cause it seems our stuff is way more appreciated

than what is usually done scenewide. Now instead

of logging onto your coolest ftpd and grab last

update of some soft nobody gives a shit about, maybe

show your talent in removing the i-net checks of

our apps and/or keygening them. That will be really

useful for everybody!

Today, some apps can't be cracked/keygened the old

way, that's why we're here.






Dead On Arrival

Presentz :


SoundTrek Jammer Professional v6.0.5.1


size 03x5mb

date 12/18/8


JAMMER Pro is the ultimate automated music composition software for Windows.

JAMMER automatically creates everything from rock solid drum beats and original

bass lines to full professional arrangements of drums, bass, keyboards, guitars,

strings, brass, and more, all under your control.


Registration : see key.txt




DEAD ON ARRIVAL : we sure acknowledge that what

we do may be questionnable, but considering a lot

of people seem to like our releases (no matter if

they expire or not), we shall keep on releasing

cause it seems our stuff is way more appreciated

than what is usually done scenewide. Now instead

of logging onto your coolest ftpd and grab last

update of some soft nobody gives a shit about, maybe

show your talent in removing the i-net checks of

our apps and/or keygening them. That will be really

useful for everybody!

Today, some apps can't be cracked/keygened the old

way, that's why we're here.

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