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  1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [url]www.topsound.ru[/url] [url]www.forum.topsound.ru[/url] [sample] Back In Time Supersonic Real Estates Vol.1 Hilldale [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Big Fish Audio Click WAV/ Acid link 1CD [sample] Bangin Beats Chop Chop Series Butta Beatz Akai MPC/ Wav link 1CD [sample] Sony Sound Series Bass Taster WAV/ Acid link 1CD [sample] Doru Malia Super Drums 8000 WAV/ Acid/ Refil link 1CD [sample] [SFX] Dosch Sounds WAV/ Acid link 1CD 'Dosch Sounds' includes more than 200 different sound-effects for the use in movies, broadcast, video, presentation, computer-games etc. [sample] Zero G Interface Dance [CDDA] link 1CD [sample] African Dreams Volume.1 [GIG] 1CD Странные и удивительные инструменты, голоса и действия, создающие глубокие картины первобытных эмоций. 07.01.06 [sample] Neo Soul - The new sound of Hip Hop and R&B CD3 WAV/ Acid link 1CD [sample] Neo Soul - The new sound of Hip Hop and R&B CD4 WAV/ Acid link 1CD [sample] East West Flamenco Sounds [GIG] link 1CD East West's Flamenco guitars, percs, and vocals in gig format [sample] Reason Refill: Jungle Theorem 1,2 & Jungle Tools Vol.01 [Rfl] 1CD [SFX] Sound Ideas: Series 2000 Sound Effects Library link 22CD-Set Ambiences, Crowds, Automobiles, Fire Engine & Police Sirens, Hand Guns, Police Station Ambiences, Rain, Swimming Pools, Traffic , Telephones, Horses, Trains, Restaurants, Fairs, Crowds , Airplanes, Animals, Applause, Crowds, Laughter , Door Bells, Broadcast News, Sports & Weather, Birds, Buses, Cameras, Automobile Skids, Squeals & Crashes, Demolition Sounds , Children, Clocks , Chainsaws, Construction , Dentist Sounds, Doors, Explosions, Fire & Fireworks, Guns, Arcades, Fairs & Roller Coasters , Footsteps - Stone, Concrete, Pavement, Dirt, Grass, Hardwood, Leaves, Linoleum, Metal, Sand , Footsteps - Sand, Snow, Water, Wood, Metal & Garbage, Farm & Tractor Sounds, Babies, Punches , Helicopters, Hospitals, Squeaks, Sirens, Alarms , Household & Industrial Sounds , Motorcycles, Dune Buggies, Lawn Trimmers & Mowers , Boats, Marine Sounds, Newsroom & Office Sounds , Musical & Percussion Instruments, Whistles, Noisemakers , Thunder, Bar & Restaurant Ambiences, Soda Fountains , Space Sounds, Shopping Malls, Stores , Sports, Military Tanks, Cannons & Battles , Traffic, Trucks , Water, Zippers [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Uberschall Liquid Instrument Guitar FULL ISO link 1DVD [sample] Uberschall Techno Trance Essentials [AKAI] link 1CD 04.01.06 [sample] [SFX] Hollywood Edge Martial Arts And Human Impacts [AudioCD] link 1CD [sample] NinjaTune Raphael Corderdos Trumpet Riffs Vinylrip [CDDA] 1CD [sample] PMI Piano Magic Bundle 24bit [multiformat] link 6 DVD [audioappz] Sound Food link 1CD instrument samples no sn and no code needed [sample] Big Fish Audio Cut'n It Up 3 [CD1,2 - Audio] link 2CD [sample] Big Fish Audio Cut'n It Up 2 [CD1,2 - Audio] link 2CD 02.01.06 [sample] Nicebeats Synthline Microwave [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Nicebeats Synthline Proteus [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Nicebeats Synthline Supernova [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Nicebeats Synthline Waldorf Q [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Bunker 8: Nu Groove Pop ( WAV/ Acid ) link 1CD [sample] Bunker 8: Extremely Abrasive Beats ( WAV/ Acid ) link 1CD [sample] Bunker 8: Extremely Abrasive Synths ( WAV/ Acid ) link 1CD [sample] Dance Mega Drums 2 [AKAI] link 1CD (Great Samples for Producers of House Music!!) [sample] General MIDI Library Giga ISO GIG link 1CD (Nemesys Soundware good general midi library for GigaSampler) 02.01.06 [sample] Big Fish Audio Rotation ( AIFF/AppleLoops/REX/WAV) link 1DVD [sample] Zippo Kits [AKAI] 1CD (drumkit multisamples /rap/acoustic/electronic) [sample] Sonicstop Chameleon Drums [all multiformat] link 1CD [sample] Big Fish Audio G-Force Drums ( WAV/ Acid ) link 1CD [sample] Big Fish Audio Platinum Essentials ( WAV/ Acid ) link 1CD [sample] Hip Hop Progressions [all multiformat] link 1CD [sample] Loopmasters Drum & Bass Producers [all multiformat] link 1CD [audioappz] 6000 Files Midi Karaoke Multilanguage 1CD (here 6000 midi files karaoke from any language) 01.01.06 [SUPER HIT] !!! [sample] Best Service Advanced Orchestra Extended [EXS/Halion] link 2DVD Рекомендуем ! У Peter Siedlaczeks всегда было лучшее качество звуков, вспомните его библиотеки AKAI sample. Теперь всё это собрано и выпущено в компьютерном мультиформате. [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Best Service Chris Hein Horns Vol.1 VSTi PC/MAC link 1DVD [SUPER HIT] [sample] Emagic X-treme Hipster HipHop Sound Library EXS-24/WAV link 2CD-Set[sample] Drums on Demand Volume 4: Country & Crossover 24bit ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Drums on Demand Volume 5: Ballads & Slow Grooves 24bit ACID/WAV link 2CD [SUPER HIT] [sample] Prominy LPC Electric Clean Guitar link 2DVD-Set (Format: Kontakt2 NEW! , GigaStudio®3.0 / 2..0 PDF , includes over 60 Giga-bytes, approx. 150,000 sample) [sample] Propellerheads Reason Drum Kits v2 [Refill] link 1DVD [sample] Propellerheads Reason Drum Kits [Refill] link 1DVD [sample] Sampletekk Vertikal The Piano Alternative 24BiT GS3 FULL ISO link 2DVD-Set [sample] Waldorf Microwave XT New Patches Kontakt/ACID/WAV 1CD [sample] Masterbits Techno Therapy ACID/WAV link 1CD [audioappz] AT&T Labs Natural Voices 1.4 Alberto 16K 1.4 ISO link 1CD [audioappz] AT&T Labs Natural Voices 1.4 Claire 16K 1.4 ISO link 1CD 26.12.05
  2. [url]www.topsound.ru[/url] [url]www.forum.topsound.ru[/url] [sample] VSL Horizon Series Mallets GIG link 1DVD (the best sounding mallets around in giga format) [sample] Caribbean Killers Time Space [AKAI] link 1CD (from long time ago. Grooves from The West-Indies.) [sample] Mike Pinder Mellotron [AKAI] link 1CD ("Definitive source for getting the Mellotron sound on your sampler") [sample] InVision Interactive Lightware vol.1 Popular Instrument 1 [AKAI] 1CD [sample] InVision Interactive Lightware vol.2 Pop Instruments 1 [AKAI] 1CD [sample] InVision Interactive Lightware vol.3 Classical Instruments 1 [AKAI] 1CD [sample] InVision Interactive Lightware vol.4 Pop Instruments 2 [AKAI] 1CD [sample] InVision Interactive Lightware vol.5 Classical Instruments 2 [AKAI] 1CD [sample] InVision Interactive Lightware vol.6 Assorted Instruments [AKAI] 1CD (This is a library of orchestral string, brass, woodwind, percussion, and keyboard samples. ) [sample] Sony Euro Techno-Ground Loops ACID/WAV link 1CD (Collection of rave-ready beats, percussion, synths, pads, and arpeggios.) 21.01.06 [SUPER HIT] [sample] Big Fish Audio Indian Traditions REX2 / WAV link 1CD [SUPER HIT] [sample] Ilio Phat Fingers [AKAI] link 1CD В мире стоит 200$ у нас копейки (Hundreds of funkified guitar and bass patterns, slides, and fills.) [SUPER HIT] [sample] Big Fish Audio Freaky Jazzy Funky MIDI Files/Audio/ACID/WAV link 3CD-Set (Construction kits, drumloops, fills & sounds, bass loops, riffs & sounds, percussion loops & sounds, guitar, trumpet, trombone, flute, synths & more) [SUPER HIT] [sample] Big Fish Audio Celtic Instruments 1&2 GIG link 2CD-Set В мире стоит 300$ у нас копейки [SUPER HIT] [sample] Sonic Implants AtsiaWest African Dancing Drums GIG link 1CD В мире стоит 180$ у нас копейки [sample] Ueberschall Drum & Bass Flash Trackz [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Voice Crystal The Digital Kitchen NOISE LOOPS II CDDA link 1CD [sample] Astral Ambience MUSEUM OF SYNTHESIZER TECHNOLOGY CDDA link 1CD [VSTi] Native Instruments Reaktor v5.1.0 + Reaktor v5.1 Addon + v5.1 Update - FULL 1CD [sample] Syntaur Let There Be Phat ENSONIQ link 1CD instruments and loops designed explicitly for hip-hop, R&B, and rap productions 19.01.06 [SUPER HIT] [sample] Garritan Stradivari Solo Violin Sample Library Kontakt 2 link 1CD [SUPER HIT] [sample] Kirk Hunter Symphony Orchestra Emerald Kontakt 2 link 2DVD 18.01.06 [sample] Ueberschall Groove Shadows CDDA link 1CD [sample] Best Service Vocal Elements WAV/ Acid link 1CD [audioappz] Computer Music Special Edition Ableton Live 5 PC/MAC 1CD [sample] Zero-G George Clinton Mixman(AIFF) link 1CD [VSTi] Arturia Brass ISO link 1CD [sample] Mega Loopz GB for Logic, Garage Band, Ableton Live (AIFF) link 1CD 740 Loops (650 MB) for Apple Logic Pro 7, Apple Logic Express7, Apple Garage Band, Ableton Live (PC / MAC). The synthetic produced Loops are categorized to Drums + Synths. [sample] Loopmasters Afro Latin Producer Reason/EXS24/HALion/Kontakt/REX/WAV link 1CD [sample] The Art Of Transwaves Ensoniq link 1CD [sample] G Force On the Rhodes SF2,WAV link 1CD [sample] Post Audio Media Estonia Acoustic Grand GIG link 1CD 17.01.06 [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Magix Soundpool DVD Collection v11.0 Wav/ACID link 1DVD DL(8.5GB) На диске более 8 гигабайт звуков и лупов для любой музыки. Ambient, Film Music, Pop, Rock, HipHop, House, Dance, Tecno, ... . [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Zero-G Outer Limits VSTi DXi RTAS PC/MAC link 1DVD Zero-G.Outer.Limits.VSTi.DXi.RTAS.AU.HYBRiD.DVDR-DYNAMiCS [SUPER HIT] [VSTi]+[sample] Steinberg Hypersonic XXL v1.12.808 ISO FULL link 1CD [SUPER HIT] [sample] Quantum Leap 56 Stratocaster GIG link 1DVD [SUPER HIT] [sample] Best Service Blazin RnB and HipHop Collection Vol.1 [multiformat] link 1DVD (wav/Acid/Rex2/Halion/NN-XT/sf2) [sample] Sony Loops & Samples Libraries Sci-Fi Tribal By Rapoon WAV/ Acid link 1CD [sample] M-Audio Pro Sessions Vol 19 Underground Sound System Acid Aiff Rex2 link 1CD (Underground Sound System packs the power to move the dance floor. ) [e-Book] + [sample] Jazz Piano Master Class - Miles Black link 1CD 12.01.06 [sample] Vintaudio Ultimate Yamaha C7 Grand Piano Library 24bit GIG3 PC/MAC link 2DVD [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Cakewalk Dimension Pro VSTi.DXi.AU. PC/MAC link 2DVD [e-Book] + [sample] PGMusic Oscar Peterson Multimedia link 1CD 11.01.06
  3. [url]www.topsound.ru[/url] [url]www.forum.topsound.ru[/url] sample] Big Fish Audio 2rAw Drummers of Motown REX/Refill/WAV/Acid link 1CD [sample] Bigga Giggas Jacaranda Acoustic Guitar GIG link 1CD (Pristine quality acoutic guitar inc midi templates and GSP perf presets) [sample] Pro Samples Vol 18: Steinway Grand Piano [Aiff, EXS24,Wav] link 1CD [sample] Sony Media Siggi Baldursson: Zero-Gravity Beats ACID WAV link 1CD 26.01.06 [sample] eJay Sound Collection #1 CD01: Dance + Techno eJay acid wav link 1CD [sample] eJay Sound Collection #1 CD02: Drum&Base+Ethno+House eJay acid wav link 1CD [sample] eJay Sound Collection #1 CD03: Grunge + Industrial + Pop eJay acid wav link 1CD [sample] eJay Sound Collection #1 CD04: Hip Hop + Trip Hop + Reggae eJay acid wav link 1CD [sample] eJay Sound Collection #2 CD05: Dance + Techno eJay acid wav link 1CD [sample] eJay Sound Collection #2 CD06: Drum&Base + Ethno + House eJay acid wav link 1CD [sample] eJay Sound Collection #2 CD07: Grunge + Pop eJay acid wav link 1CD [sample] eJay Sound Collection #2 CD08: TripHop+Reggae+Industrial+HipHop eJay acid wav link 1CD [sample] eJay Sound Collection #3 CD09: Dance + Techno + Big Beat eJay acid wav link 1CD [sample] eJay Sound Collection #3 CD10: Deep House + Disco House + French House + Progressive House + Vocal House eJay acid wav link 1CD [sample] eJay Sound Collection #3 CD11: HipHop + Reggae + TripHop eJay acid wav link 1CD [sample] eJay Sound Collection #3 CD12: Ambient & Drum&Bass eJay acid wav link 1CD [sample] eJay Sound Collection #4 CD13: Hard Trans + Techno + Trance eJay acid wav link 1CD [sample] eJay Sound Collection #4 CD14: Garage+Progressive+TechHouse eJay acid wav link 1CD [sample] eJay Sound Collection #4 CD15: Chillout + Dance + Latin eJay acid wav link 1CD 24.01.06 [SUPER HIT] [sample] Loopmaster Soulful House Sessions multiformat link 1DVD (Soulful house samples (EXS24/NNXT/Halion/Kontakt/REX2/Wav)) [SUPER HIT] [audioappz] Adobe Audition v2.0 FULL ISO (700mb) 1CD [SUPER HIT] [audioappz] Guitar Pro 5 FULL ISO 1CD (Tablature editor for guitar, bass ....) [audioappz] Perfect Space Convolution Reverb FULL ISO Version link 1CD incl. Manual, banks more preset, impulses, plugins [sample] Black 2 Black Killer Vox Vocals 2 Aiff link 1CD [sample] Soundscan 63 Balkanish Tradition [AKAI] link 1CD (UltimateSoundBank Soundscan 63 Balkanish Tradition great variety of music styles, faithfully recorded and broken down in construction kits) [sample] Soundart Cymbals & HiHats Aiff link 1CD (Awesome hi end sample CD. Partner to Acoustic Drums) [sample] Peter Siedlaczek Advanced Orchestra Set AKAI link 5CD-Set [sample] Alien Guitar CD1 [AKAI] 1CD (Bizarre guitar samples & loops) [sample] Alien Guitar CD2 [AKAI] 1CD (requested Loops, sound design, exotic textures & pads, atmospheres, drones and more. ) [sample] Primesounds Session Strings EXS24 HALiON KONTAKT 2CD-Set (cool urban strings) [sample] Best Service Orchestral Colors [AKAI] link 1CD A Peter Siedlaczek collection of hits, finales, passages, layers, and atmospheres. [sample] Pro Samples Vol 03: Percussive Loops [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Pro Samples Vol 03: Percussive Loops [Aiff, EXS24,Wav] link 1CD [sample] Pro Samples Vol 30: World Instruments (Ethno World) [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Pro Samples Vol 30: World Instruments (Ethno World) [Aiff, EXS24,Wav] link 1CD [sample] Sony Electrocution WAV/ Acid link 1CD
  4. SUPER HIT] [audioappz] SoundQuest MidiQuest 9.1 XL includes ALL INSTRUMENTS ISO 1CD (WIN universal editor/librarian - standalone, VST - [url]www.squest.com[/url]) [audioappz] AudioEase Altiverb Impulse Responses 24bit 48Khz WAV Imp 800 mb 1CD ( 800 mb высококачественных импульсов ) 29.01.06 [MAC] Native Instruments Guitar Rig 2.01 FULL ISO Ver:2.01 1CD [PC VSTi] Native Instruments Guitar Rig 2.01 FULL ISO Ver:2.01 1CD [sample] [SFX] Syndrome Ink - 5000 Sound Effects - [AIFF] link 7CD-Set Звуковые эффекты для удобства разложенны по типам в соответсвующие папки. Формат звуков AIFF подходит как для PC так и для MAC. Over 5000 assorted 44.1kHz sound effects divided into 50 categories: 28.01.06 [SUPER HIT] [sample] Vengeance Essential House ACID WAV link 1CD (HERE IT IS!!!! Latest Sample CD from Vengeance. Over 2400 fresh house loops & samples!) [SUPER HIT] [sample] Pro Sessions 24 Antonio Dilillo Signature Electro Patterns Vol. 1 link 1DVD 24 bit electro industrial loops - wav - rex2 - midi - Acid / 24-bit WAV / REX2 / MIDI Files PC/MAC [SUPER HIT] [sample] Ultimate Plugin Preset Collection 9-2005 link 1CD Грандиознейшая коллекция пресетов для плагин, VSTi, синтезаторов семплеров. [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Yellow Tools Candy FULL ISO 1 DVD DL(8,5Gb) WIN , MAC installer & update 1.7 incl. crack [sample] Rubber Chicken Software Sample Bank ENSONIQ link 1CD [sample] Sony New York Dance ACID WAV link 1CD (The New York Dance disc contains a perfect blend of contemporary dance music styles, including big beat, house, deep house, electro, jungle, and more) [sample] Sonic Foundry NY Dance 1 & 2 Acid loops ACID WAV link 1CD (funky urban-house loops) [sample] Sample Arena 5 Drum - Box Oneshotsamples ACID WAV SF2 1CD (sample arena 5, features ethno, fill, funky, hardcore, hiphop, house, industrial, jazz, jungle, rock, trance, vinyl and lots more samples. all one shot samples. wav format) [sample] Xtreme Dance & HipHop ACID WAV 1CD (hot loop collection) [sample] Sabian Cymbal Sample Library 1 ACID WAV 1CD (nice cymbal samples) [sample] EastWest Field Of Motion [AKAI] link 1CD (A collection of wild, and strange loops & hits) [sample] Sony Media Software Chicago Fire A Dance Music Anthology ACID WAV 5CD-Set [sample] Soundscan Vol.16. Bossa Brazil [AKAI] link 1CD (Straight from Brazil, this SOUNDSCAN™ is a superb “bossa” compendium. The drums & percussions, guitar and bass were performed together but sampled separately, for maximum flexibility...) [sample] Ded Dood Music Library Maximum Damage CDDA link 1 CD (Industrious slab of dirty guitars, skiping breakbeats and whirring noises. Tough stuff) [sample] Sony Media Headstrong Grooves ACID WAV 1CD (A modern electronica dance music construction kit in the popular UK garage and 2-step styles.) [sample] Cyclick - Platinum Samples - The Funk Collection ACID WAV link 1CD (Funky WAV kits in different keys and tempos with Drum/Bass/Piano/Guitar/Percussion loops.) [sample] Best Service Festa Latina Vol 1-3 ACID WAV link 3CD-Set [sample] Best Service XX-Large 800 PROduction Effect [AKAI] 1CD [e-Book Video] Digital Music Doctor Cubase SX 3 Know It All Tutorial 1CD (The Cubase SX 3 course Requested)
  5. [SUPER HIT] [sample] Big Fish Audio Discrete Drums - Professional Set 24 Bit/AIFF link 10CD-Set [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Yellow Tools Majestic FULL ISO 4 DVD WIN , MAC installer & update 1.7 donload here [url]www.forum.topsound.ru[/url] [SUPER HIT] [sample] FXpansion BFD Deluxe Collection FULL ISO 5 DVD [sample] Sonic Mayhem - Rex Noize Loops [ReFill] 1CD (Rex files, 10 redrumkits,subtractor files, rns files and acid soundwaves for bonus) [sample] Bigga Giggas - The Rain Piano GIG link 1CD (Beautiful piano sample CD) [sample] Vienna Horizon Epic Horns Giga, EXS24 mk II, Kontakt, HALion link 1CD (largest all-horn ensemble ever created in the history of sampling) [sample] Access Virus AKAI 1CD [sample] Miroslav Vitous Percussion and Harp ACID WAV link 1CD (a good misc of acoustics sounds) [sample] Zero-G Funk Bass AKAI link 2CD-Set ( 2 CD-ROM collection of loops instantly usable for the latest styles including Rap, Jazz, Soul, Dub, Garage, Techno and Indie, but it is also a unique reference of classic Bass sounds from Motown to Meltdown) 01.02.06 [sample] Didgeridoo and Other Primitive Instruments [AKAI] 1CD [audioappz] Wusik.com WusikStation VSTi v2.1.4. 1CD [sample] Mick Fleetwood Total Drumming wav loops link 1CD [sample] SampleLab Luscious GROOVES Multiformat 3CD-Set (300 24-bit drum and percussion breaks. This library doesn't really fit very well within any specific style, so hip hop producers are as likely to benefit from this library as house 'choon'-smiths or t) [sample] Peter Ewers Symphonic Organ GIG link 1CD (Massive And Wonderful Sounding Cathedral Organ In GIGA Format) [sample] Ded Good Music Library Minimalism CDDA link 2CD-Set [sample] Sonic Foundry Infinite Soul I ACID WAV 1CD (Percussions and drum samples from sonic foundry) [sample] Sonic Foundry Phat Trax XXL ACID WAV 1CD (Put some real backbone under your rhymes with this all-in-one Hip-Hop workshop. Phat beats and basses, solid instrument riffs, turntable scratches, a folder full of MC announcements, and everything el) [sample] Loopmasters Drum and Bass Producer MULTiFORMAT 1CD [sample] Mutekki Media Dance Ultra Voice Vol.1 ACID WAV link 1CD [sample] ACID Sonic Foundry QLoops Dark Ambient Soundscapes Pandoras Toolbox WAV 1CD (Add the perfect degree of strange to your audio production with the dark side of sampling-Dark Ambient Soundscapes) [sample] Discovery Firm Okinawan Tradition Acid Battery Rex2 Wav link 1CD History and culture... this collection features the traditional instruments of Okinawa, including its folk songs and Hayashi (shouts). [sample] Sony Electronic Point-Blank ACID WAV link 1CD Electronic Point-Blank collection, an unparalleled construction kit aimed squarely at the underground techno/dance music. [sample] Sony Sound Acid Zero Gravity Beats ACID WAV 1CD [sample] Samplists Guide to Jazz Drums CDDA 1CD (The history of Jazz beats from New Orleans to today played and demonstrated by Ralph Peterson. This CD-ROM includes WAV files organized into folders based on style and tempo. There are also a large va) [sample] M-Audio Pro-Sessions Vol.12 Electro Crash WAV AIFF REX 1CD (vintage analog sounds, loops and effects for electronic music) [sample] Old School Drum Kits [AKAI] 1CD [sample] P5Audio Rhode Rage Licks Vol.1. link 1CD [sample] Masterbits Sex Trax MULTiFORMAT Audio/WAV/AIF/MP3 link 1CD [sample] Best Service Orient Odysee CDDA 1CD 30.01.06 [sample] SagLoops Bally Sagoo Vol.2 ACID WAV link 1CD
  6. [url]www.topsound.ru[/url] [url]www.forum.topsound.ru[/url] sample] Sony Media Software Platinum Theory Hip Hop ACID WAV link 1CD (hip-hop samples.) [sample] Beta Monkey Drum Werks Volume III ACID WAV link 1CD (Beta Monkey Drum Werks Volume III: Drum Loops for Blues and Bluesy Rock - very nice drum loops) [sample] Various - Beatz Diffusion WAV link 1CD (A special sample compilation by some of the World's finest drummers!) [sample] EXS24 - WIZOO KIT Drums 24 bit - 44.1 kHz - stereo [EXS24] link 1CD Jazz Brush Kit, Latin Kit, Ambience Kit, Soul Kit, Funk Kit + bonus: VSTi Emagic Exs24 ver.1.6, ExsManager13XLSetup - менеджер для каталогизации банков звуков на HDD. [VSTi] Linplug RM IV VSTi v4.1.2 -H2O - Plus KITS End Version + FULL ISO link 1DVD [MAC] East West - Symphonic Choirs OSX Installer.iso.rar donload here link Standalone, AU, VST & RTAS installers without the library. "Select Custom Install" - requested by birbilis 11.02.06 [sample] Ilio Synclavier Keys and Guitar AKAI link 1CD [sample] ZeroG DH v2.0 Deep House CDDA link 1CD (Classic House and Garage loops from the masters - 'deep house v2.0' offers around 1000 of the newest, freshest breaks, loops and samples for your music.) [sample] Orchestral Family Vol.1 [Roland S7xx] link 1CD [sample] Orchestral Family Vol.2 [Roland S7xx] link 1CD [sample] 2rAw - New World Order 1 multiformat link 1CD [sample] 2rAw - New World Order 2 multiformat link 1CD (Etnich techno stuff..sounds really good, multiformat.) [sample] Pro Sample 14 World Grooves [Aiff, EXS24,Wav] link 1CD [sample] Big Fish Audio Kitsch 70s AKAI link 1CD [sample] The Monolake Collection link 1CD (Collection of ambient samples from the producer Monolake) [sample] East West Dance Industrial 1 AKAI link 1CD [sample] East West Dance Industrial 2 AKAI link 1CD [sample] Hiphopcrib Eastcoast [Refill] link 1CD (Keyboards Instruments and Voice sounds for NN-XT (presets and samples)) [sample] IK Multimedia House Party ACID WAV link 1CD Dance/Techno sick construction kits! [sample] Creative Essentials Vol.4 Dance Vocals ACID WAV link 1CD [sample] Superloops Neo Break Beats CDDA link 1CD (state-of-the-art production combined with percussive wizardry) [sample] Masterbits Analogue Age ACID WAV link 1CD (Multi Sampled Vintage Synth Sounds Wav) 09.02.06 [e-Book] Russ.Longs.Guide.To.Nashville.Recording.XviD Video Tutorial 1CD link Уроки режиссуры, сведения и записи от Лонга (нашего российского чувака) вышли на диске CD - Video Tutorial. Наши поздравления! 08.02.06 [sample] Band In A Box 2006 02 Bonus 16-Pak ISO 1CD [sample] OrchWinds [Roland S7xx] 1CD (Samples for samplers Roland S7xx, Orchestral winds vol.1) [sample] SuperSax [Roland S7xx] 1CD (Sample for samplers Roland S7xx, Super sax) [audioappz] Sony Vegas v6.0c + Keygen donload here link 1CD [sample] Beta Monkey Natural Grooves ACID WAV link 1CD (over 1200 natural drums and loops) [sample] Roland JP8000 E-MU link 1CD (SampleCD - A sound emulation of the Roland JP8000 ) [sample] Ueberschall Techno Trance Essentials AKAI link 1CD [SFX] NEW from Sound Ideas GUNS [WAV] link 3CD-Set
  7. 30-40 рублей за CD, самый большой выбор в мире, ФОРУМ, ОБСУЖДЕНИЯ. [url]www.topsound.ru[/url] [url]www.forum.topsound.ru[/url] SFX, NoizeFX, VSTfx (шумы, озвучка, джинглы) F.A.Q. (ответы, информация) FTP - КЛУБ статья по нашей программе: [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Quantum Leap Symphonic Choirs [9 DVDs Set] >>> описания программ 16.02.06 [SUPER HIT] [e-Book] Charles Dye Mix It Like A Record Pro Tools Sessions Video link 1DVD These are the Pro Tools session files to go with the videos Charles Dye Mix It Like A Record Pro Tools Sessions [SUPER HIT] [sample] BigFishAudio Nu Jazz City AIFF/Apple Loops/REX/WAV link 1DVD (25 four to sixteen bar construction kits for Drums, Bass, Guitar, Piano, Sax, Trumpet in wav, rex, and Apple Loops format. Pc and Mac compatible) [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Best Service Peter Siedlaczeks String Essentials link 5DVD-Set Best.Service.Peter.Siedlaczeks.String.Essentials.VSTi.DXi.RTAS.AU.HYBRiD.DVDR.D1-DYNAMiCS [audioappz] Creamare Plugins link 1CD [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] EW QL Symphonic Orchestra Gold Pro XP FULL ISO link 5DVD-Se East & West QLSO Gold Pro XP - EWQLSO Gold Pro XP - EASTWEST QUANTUM LEAP SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA GOLD PRO XP 14.02.06 [sample] Zero-G PRO PACK FOR GARAGEBAND Loop Aiff link 2DVD-Set Brass Elements - 283 loops, Breakbeat 2 - 114 loops, Electric Dreamz - 148 loops , House & Garage Construction - 110 loops ...[sample] Big Fish Audio Things That Go Bump In The Night Vol 1&2 [AKAI] link 2CD-Set (Film and TV composers are bound to find plenty of fodder in Things That Bo Bump for sci-fi soundtracks. Techno and trip-hop artists and dance remixers will have a field day." - Keyboard Magazine) [sample] ModernBeats Platinum Rhythmz 1 ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] ModernBeats Platinum Rhythmz 2 ACID/WAV link 1CD (The first of a huge collection of professional "radio-ready" drum loops. Mixed & engineered to perfection, Vol.1 features 400 blazin' modern hip hop rhythmz!... Vol.2. ModernBeats creates yet another ground-breaking loop library packed with the hottest rhythmz to grace modern hip hop production...) [sample] KORG PROPHECY - NRG - AKAI 1CD [sample] ZERO-G Nu House - Hard House & Nu NRG [multiformat] link 1CD [sample] Rarefaction A Poke In The Ear With A Sharp Stick AKAI link 1CD [sample] 2rAw - Fx In Time Refil WAV ACID link 1CD (from power fx ..lot's of fx , refill + acid wave) [sample] Ueberschall Jam Box AKAI link 1CD (This is a house sample collection produced by Mousse T with great loops, licks and other nice stuff!!) 13.02.06 [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] IK Multimedia Sampletank v2.1 XL Instruments link 2DVD-Set [sample] P5 Audio.Com - Killer Keys Vol 1 + Vol 2 +bonus [multiformat] link 1CD (Killer Keys Volume 1,2 consists of over 200 piano, organ, and bell licks. These licks are everything you need to produce your next hit. They represent the hottest styles in Hip Hop and R&B... format: acid pro, Kontakt, Battery, Reason, nn-xt, Halion, EXS-24, Ableton live and more) [sample] Zero-G K-Klass WAV link 1CD Techno/dance samples and construction kits. [sample] Syntaur SCD-4 Keith Emerson Signatur Series ENSONIQ link 1CD (Ensoniq SCD-4 "Keith Emerson" Signature Series. The classic synth and organ sounds from Emerson.)
  8. М У З Ы К А Л Ь Н Ы Й С О Ф Т , С Е М П Л Ы , VSTi, О З В У Ч К А, П Р О Д А К Ш Н Б И Б Л И О Т Е К И 30-40 рублей за CD, самый большой выбор в мире, ФОРУМ, ОБСУЖДЕНИЯ. [url]www.topsound.ru[/url] [url]www.forum.topsound.ru[/url]
  9. Куплю синтезаторы:Ensoniq ASR/TS-10(+),Korg i3/ix300/PA-**,Roland A-30/33,E-16/28/36/38/66,G-1000,XP-10/50/60,платы SR-JV80,VE-GSpro,Yamaha PSS/PSR,и аналоговые приборы,типа:Алиса,Альтаир,Лидер,Маэстро,Поливокс, Ритм,Электроника и др. [url]www.topsound.ru[/url] [url]www.forum.topsound.ru[/url]
  10. 30-40 рублей за CD, самый большой выбор в мире, ФОРУМ, ОБСУЖДЕНИЯ. [url]www.topsound.ru[/url] [url]www.forum.topsound.ru[/url]
  11. М У З Ы К А Л Ь Н Ы Й С О Ф Т , С Е М П Л Ы , VSTi, О З В У Ч К А, П Р О Д А К Ш Н Б И Б Л И О Т Е К И 30-40 рублей за CD, самый большой выбор в мире, ФОРУМ, ОБСУЖДЕНИЯ. [url]www.topsound.ru[/url] [url]www.forum.topsound.ru[/url]
  12. синтезаторы CLAVIA NORD G2, G2 key 3-5 октав, NORD ELECTRO, LEAD 2X, 3, Rack. По самым низким ценам! [url]www.forum.topsound.ru[/url] или 8-926-218-7886 Psyfactor Николай
  13. [url]www.topsound.nm.ru[/url] Самые новые VSTi и сэмплы AKAI, GIG, Halion, EXS, SampleTank, Kontakt. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 31.10.2005 Значительное снижение цен * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [VSTi] East & West Drumkit From Hell Superior (9 dvd) [VSTi] East & West QL Symphonic Orchestra Gold Edition (4 dvd) [VSTi] East & West QL Symphonic Choirs (9 dvd) [VSTi] Steinberg Groove Agent 2 (1 cd) [VSTi] Steinberg Hypersonic Modules XXL (1 cd) [VSTi] Steinberg The Grand 2 (1 dvd) [VSTi] Steinberg Virtual Bassist (1 cd) [VSTi] Native Instruments B4 2 (1 cd) [ДРУГИЕ] Steinberg Cubase SX v3.1.1.944 - H2O [ДРУГИЕ] Steinberg Nuendo v3.1.1.944 - H2O * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [VSTi] Hartmann Neuron VS (1 cd + 1 dvd) [VSTi] NI Akoustik Piano (4 dvd) [VSTi] Sound Burst NorthMood (2 dvd) [VSTi] Zero-G Nostalgia (1 dvd) [VSTi] East & West QL Hardcore Bass XP Upgrade (1 dvd) [VSTi] East & West QL Stormbreakz (1 dvd) [VSTi] FXpansion BFD 8Bit Kit Expansion Pack (3 dvd) [VSTi] FXpansion GURU (1 dvd) [VSTi] Zero-G Beats Working in Cuba (2 dvd) [ДРУГИЕ] DigiDesign ProTools TDM v6.7 + M-Audio Adapter (1 cd) [ДРУГИЕ] EMU Emulator X v1.5.2 (1 dvd) [ДРУГИЕ] EMU Proteus X v1.5.2 (1 dvd) [ДРУГИЕ] Vengeance Effects vol.1 (1 cd) [ДРУГИЕ] Vengeance Essential Clubsounds vol.1 (1 cd) [ДРУГИЕ] Vengeance Ultimate Bass vol.1 (1 cd) А также многое другое!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -------- W W W . T O P S O U N D . R U --------
  14. UAD-1 - обвал цен ! любые уады оптом и в розницу ! - UAD-1 по символическим ценам: UAD-1 Progect Pack - 400$, расширенный до Studio Pack - 700$, расширенный до Ultra Pack - 800$ [url]www.forum.topsound.ru[/url] или 8-926-218-7886 Николай
  15. [SUPER HIT] [sample] Vengeance Essential House ACID WAV link 1CD (HERE IT IS!!!! Latest Sample CD from Vengeance. Over 2400 fresh house loops & samples!) [SUPER HIT] [sample] Pro Sessions 24 Antonio Dilillo Signature Electro Patterns Vol. 1 link 1DVD 24 bit electro industrial loops - wav - rex2 - midi - Acid / 24-bit WAV / REX2 / MIDI Files PC/MAC [SUPER HIT] [sample] Ultimate Plugin Preset Collection 9-2005 link 1CD Грандиознейшая коллекция пресетов для плагин, VSTi, cbсинтезаторов семплеров. [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Yellow Tools Candy FULL ISO 1 DVD DL(8,5Gb) WIN , MAC installer & update 1.7 incl. crack [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url] [sample] Rubber Chicken Software Sample Bank ENSONIQ link 1CD [sample] Sony New York Dance ACID WAV link 1CD (The New York Dance disc contains a perfect blend of contemporary dance music styles, including big beat, house, deep house, electro, jungle, and more) [sample] Sonic Foundry NY Dance 1 & 2 Acid loops ACID WAV link 1CD (funky urban-house loops) [sample] Sample Arena 5 Drum - Box Oneshotsamples ACID WAV SF2 1CD (sample arena 5, features ethno, fill, funky, hardcore, hiphop, house, industrial, jazz, jungle, rock, trance, vinyl and lots more samples. all one shot samples. wav format) [sample] Xtreme Dance & HipHop ACID WAV 1CD (hot loop collection) Acid/Wav/Rex2 link 1CD [sample] Discovery Firm Neo Groove Acid/Wav/Rex2 link 1CD [sample] Discovery Firm Breakbeat Ammo Acid/Wav/Rex2 link 1CD [sample] Discovery Firm Alma Flamenco Acid/Wav/Rex2 link 1CD [MAC] Steinberg Voice Machine VST OS9/OSX/ Tiger link 1CD Still Greatest Vocoding-Harmonizing Suite. Now for OSX (works in Tiger 10.4.3) 20.12.05 [SUPER HIT] [sample] Sony Media: Drums from the Big Room ACID/WAV link 1DVD (24-bit multitrack drum, drum loop performance from sony.) [sample] Ugly Remnants Vol.1 ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Ugly Remnants Vol.2 ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Zero-G Skinned ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Big Fish Audio The Hybridizer CDDA/ACID/WAV link 4CD-Set [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url] 15.12.05 [audioappz] Native Instruments Reaktor v5.0.0.7 End Version Incl.KeyGen link 1CD [audioappz] NI Reaktor v5 User Library Synthesizers Vol: 1,2,3 + Reaktor User Libr. 2005.11. 1DVD [sample] Sonic Excursions for Acoustic Guitar acid loop CD1 ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Sonic Excursions for Acoustic Guitar acid loop CD2 ACID/WAV link 1CD (acoustic guitar performances by sony loops) [audioappz] AT&T Labs' Natural Voices - Rich 16k 1.4 ISO link 1CD [SFX] Sound Ideas: The International Sound Effects Library Animals link 3CD-Set [sample] Jade Hill: Rock/Pop Guitars ACID/WAV link 1CD (the Rock/Pop Guitars collection from sony) [sample] + [VSTi] Synthogy IVORY link 10DVD-Set [sample] Uberschall Techno Identity 1,2 [AKAI] link 2CD (Akai Techno Loops And Hits Samples) [sample] East West Scoring Tools [AKAI] link 1CD (East West Scoring Tools --- Orchestral Samples!!!) [sample] ProSamples Vol 36 Chillout [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Terminalhead - Underfire - Vol.1 [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Terminalhead - Underfire - Vol.2 [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Ubiquity Jaw Breaks [CDDA] link 1CD (Raw, unadulterated, super-rare breakbeats from the '70s for DJs and producers) 12.12.05 [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] [sample] Killer Hertz I [CDDA] link 1CD [sample] Killer Hertz II [CDDA] link 1CD [sample] Killer Hertz III [CDDA] link 1CD [sample] Killer Hertz IV [CDDA] link 1CD [sample] Midimark Powerhouse Vol.1 [Ensoniq] link 1CD [sample] Midimark Powerhouse Vol.2 [Ensoniq] link 1CD [sample] Optical Media Reflective Art The Denny Jaeger Master Violin Library [Ensoniq] link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 01: Synths 1 link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 02: Synths 2 link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 03: Rhythm Section link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 04: Pianos & Organs link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 05: Symphonic link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 06: OmniSoundz GM link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 07: Reality Drums link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 08: Monster Drums link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 09: Vintage Drums link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 10: Instruments of the 60's & 70's link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 11: Retro Keys link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 12: Acoustic Folk link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 13: World Percussion link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 14: Ethnic Instruments link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 15: Film Orchestra link 1CD [SUPER HIT] PG Music Band in a box 2006 Megapak + Band-In-A-Box Stuff link 1CD [SUPER HIT] PG Music Band-In-A-Box 2006 ADDON 23-Pak link 1CD [SUPER HIT] PG Music Band-In-A-Box 2006 ADDON 16-Pak link 1CD [SUPER HIT] PG Music Band-In-A-Box 2006 ADDON 11-Pak link 4CD-Set 11.12.05 [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url] [SUPER HIT] [SFX] Sound Ideas 11000 Sports Sound Effects Library link 5CD-Set Sound Ideas. The Series 11,000 Sports Sound Effects Library. The Sports Series offers extreme closeups of individual hits, impacts and catches, full competitive game action recorded at the sidelines, and the sounds of spectators, crowds and stadiums in a wide selection of sports activities. 10.12.05 [sample] Uebeschall Easy Listening [CDDA] link 1CD [sample] Uebeschall 1st contact [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Sony Media Software Numina II ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] MAC Zero-G World Pack For Garage Band link 2DVD-Set 07.12.05 [SUPER HIT] Golden Ears Audio Eartraining link 9CD-Set [audioappz] Waves GTR Guitar Tool Rack v1.0 -H2O + NI Guitar Rig 2 -H2O сборник 1СD 05.12.05 [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Native Instruments Guitar Rig 2 FULL ISO link 1CD [SUPER HIT] [sample] Ueberschall URBAN JOINTZ [multiformat] link 1DVD (Multiformat, Apple Loops, Acid, Rex2, Wav, Aif - [хипхоперы только взгляните на коробку]) [sample] Studio Cat Purrrfect Drums [GIG-multiformat] link 1DVD (acoustic drum sample library for use with GigaStudio or HALion) [sample] Big Fish Audio African Secret ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Big Fish Audio Sound Palette Hip Hop ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Sony Media Software The Electro Set ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Sonic Foundry Classic Country ACID/WAV link 1CD (All the Country with none of the incest. This great collection is no longer offered, shame because of GREAT mandolins, banjo, acoustic guitars, bass etc) [sample] Big Fish Audio Jazz / World NNXT/EXS/HALion/Kont/REX/WAV link 1CD 03.12.05 [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url]
  16. [SUPER HIT] [sample] Vengeance Essential House ACID WAV link 1CD (HERE IT IS!!!! Latest Sample CD from Vengeance. Over 2400 fresh house loops & samples!) [SUPER HIT] [sample] Pro Sessions 24 Antonio Dilillo Signature Electro Patterns Vol. 1 link 1DVD 24 bit electro industrial loops - wav - rex2 - midi - Acid / 24-bit WAV / REX2 / MIDI Files PC/MAC [SUPER HIT] [sample] Ultimate Plugin Preset Collection 9-2005 link 1CD Грандиознейшая коллекция пресетов для плагин, VSTi, cbсинтезаторов семплеров. [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Yellow Tools Candy FULL ISO 1 DVD DL(8,5Gb) WIN , MAC installer & update 1.7 incl. crack [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url] [sample] Rubber Chicken Software Sample Bank ENSONIQ link 1CD [sample] Sony New York Dance ACID WAV link 1CD (The New York Dance disc contains a perfect blend of contemporary dance music styles, including big beat, house, deep house, electro, jungle, and more) [sample] Sonic Foundry NY Dance 1 & 2 Acid loops ACID WAV link 1CD (funky urban-house loops) [sample] Sample Arena 5 Drum - Box Oneshotsamples ACID WAV SF2 1CD (sample arena 5, features ethno, fill, funky, hardcore, hiphop, house, industrial, jazz, jungle, rock, trance, vinyl and lots more samples. all one shot samples. wav format) [sample] Xtreme Dance & HipHop ACID WAV 1CD (hot loop collection) Acid/Wav/Rex2 link 1CD [sample] Discovery Firm Neo Groove Acid/Wav/Rex2 link 1CD [sample] Discovery Firm Breakbeat Ammo Acid/Wav/Rex2 link 1CD [sample] Discovery Firm Alma Flamenco Acid/Wav/Rex2 link 1CD [MAC] Steinberg Voice Machine VST OS9/OSX/ Tiger link 1CD Still Greatest Vocoding-Harmonizing Suite. Now for OSX (works in Tiger 10.4.3) 20.12.05 [SUPER HIT] [sample] Sony Media: Drums from the Big Room ACID/WAV link 1DVD (24-bit multitrack drum, drum loop performance from sony.) [sample] Ugly Remnants Vol.1 ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Ugly Remnants Vol.2 ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Zero-G Skinned ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Big Fish Audio The Hybridizer CDDA/ACID/WAV link 4CD-Set [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url] 15.12.05 [audioappz] Native Instruments Reaktor v5.0.0.7 End Version Incl.KeyGen link 1CD [audioappz] NI Reaktor v5 User Library Synthesizers Vol: 1,2,3 + Reaktor User Libr. 2005.11. 1DVD [sample] Sonic Excursions for Acoustic Guitar acid loop CD1 ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Sonic Excursions for Acoustic Guitar acid loop CD2 ACID/WAV link 1CD (acoustic guitar performances by sony loops) [audioappz] AT&T Labs' Natural Voices - Rich 16k 1.4 ISO link 1CD [SFX] Sound Ideas: The International Sound Effects Library Animals link 3CD-Set [sample] Jade Hill: Rock/Pop Guitars ACID/WAV link 1CD (the Rock/Pop Guitars collection from sony) [sample] + [VSTi] Synthogy IVORY link 10DVD-Set [sample] Uberschall Techno Identity 1,2 [AKAI] link 2CD (Akai Techno Loops And Hits Samples) [sample] East West Scoring Tools [AKAI] link 1CD (East West Scoring Tools --- Orchestral Samples!!!) [sample] ProSamples Vol 36 Chillout [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Terminalhead - Underfire - Vol.1 [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Terminalhead - Underfire - Vol.2 [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Ubiquity Jaw Breaks [CDDA] link 1CD (Raw, unadulterated, super-rare breakbeats from the '70s for DJs and producers) 12.12.05 [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] [sample] Killer Hertz I [CDDA] link 1CD [sample] Killer Hertz II [CDDA] link 1CD [sample] Killer Hertz III [CDDA] link 1CD [sample] Killer Hertz IV [CDDA] link 1CD [sample] Midimark Powerhouse Vol.1 [Ensoniq] link 1CD [sample] Midimark Powerhouse Vol.2 [Ensoniq] link 1CD [sample] Optical Media Reflective Art The Denny Jaeger Master Violin Library [Ensoniq] link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 01: Synths 1 link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 02: Synths 2 link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 03: Rhythm Section link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 04: Pianos & Organs link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 05: Symphonic link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 06: OmniSoundz GM link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 07: Reality Drums link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 08: Monster Drums link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 09: Vintage Drums link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 10: Instruments of the 60's & 70's link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 11: Retro Keys link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 12: Acoustic Folk link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 13: World Percussion link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 14: Ethnic Instruments link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 15: Film Orchestra link 1CD [SUPER HIT] PG Music Band in a box 2006 Megapak + Band-In-A-Box Stuff link 1CD [SUPER HIT] PG Music Band-In-A-Box 2006 ADDON 23-Pak link 1CD [SUPER HIT] PG Music Band-In-A-Box 2006 ADDON 16-Pak link 1CD [SUPER HIT] PG Music Band-In-A-Box 2006 ADDON 11-Pak link 4CD-Set 11.12.05 [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url] [SUPER HIT] [SFX] Sound Ideas 11000 Sports Sound Effects Library link 5CD-Set Sound Ideas. The Series 11,000 Sports Sound Effects Library. The Sports Series offers extreme closeups of individual hits, impacts and catches, full competitive game action recorded at the sidelines, and the sounds of spectators, crowds and stadiums in a wide selection of sports activities. 10.12.05 [sample] Uebeschall Easy Listening [CDDA] link 1CD [sample] Uebeschall 1st contact [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Sony Media Software Numina II ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] MAC Zero-G World Pack For Garage Band link 2DVD-Set 07.12.05 [SUPER HIT] Golden Ears Audio Eartraining link 9CD-Set [audioappz] Waves GTR Guitar Tool Rack v1.0 -H2O + NI Guitar Rig 2 -H2O сборник 1СD 05.12.05 [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Native Instruments Guitar Rig 2 FULL ISO link 1CD [SUPER HIT] [sample] Ueberschall URBAN JOINTZ [multiformat] link 1DVD (Multiformat, Apple Loops, Acid, Rex2, Wav, Aif - [хипхоперы только взгляните на коробку]) [sample] Studio Cat Purrrfect Drums [GIG-multiformat] link 1DVD (acoustic drum sample library for use with GigaStudio or HALion) [sample] Big Fish Audio African Secret ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Big Fish Audio Sound Palette Hip Hop ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Sony Media Software The Electro Set ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Sonic Foundry Classic Country ACID/WAV link 1CD (All the Country with none of the incest. This great collection is no longer offered, shame because of GREAT mandolins, banjo, acoustic guitars, bass etc) [sample] Big Fish Audio Jazz / World NNXT/EXS/HALion/Kont/REX/WAV link 1CD 03.12.05 [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url]
  17. Фирменные ФОНОГРАММЫ МИНУС ОДИН вокальные и инструментальные для профессиональной работы на MD, CD, MP3 - POP, ROCK, JAZZ, ШАНСОН, РОМАНС, МЮЗИКЛЫ, ОПЕРА. Репертуар для ресторана, клуба, дискотеки. Студийное качество, оригиналы с бэками, много новинок, возм обмен. Для гитаристов минуса и плюсы Satriani, Blackmore, Moor, Santana и др. 25.000 звуковых треков. 40.000 миди-файлов. Пишем минуса максимально оригинальные, не самоделки, недорого. Список см на [url]www.topsound.nm.ru[/url]
  18. Профессиональные библиотеки сэмплов в форматах AKAI, GIG, SF2, Kontakt, HaLion, EXS, WAV, а также виртуальные синтезаторы VSTi. Доставка в любую точку Мира! Низкие цены! Заходите на сайт: [url]http://WWW.TOPSOUND.NM.RU[/url]
  19. [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url] [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] [SUPER HIT] !!! [sample] Best Service Advanced Orchestra Extended [EXS/Halion] link 2DVD Рекомендуем ! У Peter Siedlaczeks всегда было лучшее качество звуков, вспомните его библиотеки AKAI sample. Теперь всё это собрано и выпущено в компьютерном мультиформате. [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Best Service Chris Hein Horns Vol.1 VSTi PC/MAC link 1CD [SUPER HIT] [sample] Emagic X-treme Hipster HipHop Sound Library EXS-24/WAV link 2CD-Set [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url] YellowTools Candy FULL ISO 1 DVD DL(8,5Gb) WIN , MAC installer & update 1.7 donload here [url]www.forum.topsound.ru[/url] YellowTools Majestic FULL ISO 4 DVD WIN , MAC installer & update 1.7 donload here [url]www.forum.topsound.ru[/url] PMI Piano Magic Bundle 24BiT MULTiFORMAT FULL ISO 6 DVD EW QL Symphonic Orchestra Gold Pro XP VSTI.DXI.RTAS.AU FULL ISO 5 DVD te Samplers & Sequencers Add-ons.) [sample] The Love & Pop String Thing CDDA/WAV link 1CD String ensemble sample cd with breakdowns of how each track was done-Beatle-esque [sample] Big Fish Audio Guitar Studio ACID/WAV link 1CD [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Steinberg Hypersonic 2 ISO 1DVD [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] 25.12.05 [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url] [SUPER HIT] [sample] Equipped Music - Loungin House [Wav,Aiff,Rex2] link PDF ADDON 1DVD 4 gb loops & samples 24bit. This is the ultimate House groove toolbox for any Stylus RMX & Reason user! dance floor beats hypnotic and seductive grooves of Loungin’ House, mixed with sexy latin style percussion, lush chords, samples and more. [sample] Bill Laswell - Ambient Grooves ACID/WAV link 1CD Blends instrumental sounds from all points of the globe. [sample] Bill Laswell: Volume I False Encryptions ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Bill Laswell: Volume II Undocument ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Bill Laswell: Volume III Letter of Law ACID/WAV link 1CD 23.12.05 [sample] Discovery Firm Sound Spiral Acid/Wav/Rex2 link 1CD [sample] Discovery Firm Didgeridoo Acid/Wav/Rex2 link 1CD [sample] Discovery Firm Vinylism Acid/Wav/Rex2 link 1CD [sample] Discovery Firm Techno Lama Acid/Wav/Rex2 link 1CD [sample] Discovery Firm Neo Groove Acid/Wav/Rex2 link 1CD [sample] Discovery Firm Breakbeat Ammo Acid/Wav/Rex2 link 1CD [sample] Discovery Firm Alma Flamenco Acid/Wav/Rex2 link 1CD [MAC] Steinberg Voice Machine VST OS9/OSX/ Tiger link 1CD Still Greatest Vocoding-Harmonizing Suite. Now for OSX (works in Tiger 10.4.3) 20.12.05 [SUPER HIT] [sample] Sony Media: Drums from the Big Room ACID/WAV link 1DVD (24-bit multitrack drum, drum loop performance from sony.) [sample] Ugly Remnants Vol.1 ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Ugly Remnants Vol.2 ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Zero-G Skinned ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Big Fish Audio The Hybridizer CDDA/ACID/WAV link 4CD-Set [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url] 15.12.05 [audioappz] Native Instruments Reaktor v5.0.0.7 End Version Incl.KeyGen link 1CD [audioappz] NI Reaktor v5 User Library Synthesizers Vol: 1,2,3 + Reaktor User Libr. 2005.11. 1DVD [sample] Sonic Excursions for Acoustic Guitar acid loop CD1 ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Sonic Excursions for Acoustic Guitar acid loop CD2 ACID/WAV link 1CD (acoustic guitar performances by sony loops) [audioappz] AT&T Labs' Natural Voices - Rich 16k 1.4 ISO link 1CD [SFX] Sound Ideas: The International Sound Effects Library Animals link 3CD-Set [sample] Jade Hill: Rock/Pop Guitars ACID/WAV link 1CD (the Rock/Pop Guitars collection from sony) [sample] + [VSTi] Synthogy IVORY link 10DVD-Set [sample] Uberschall Techno Identity 1,2 [AKAI] link 2CD (Akai Techno Loops And Hits Samples) [sample] East West Scoring Tools [AKAI] link 1CD (East West Scoring Tools --- Orchestral Samples!!!) [sample] ProSamples Vol 36 Chillout [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Terminalhead - Underfire - Vol.1 [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Terminalhead - Underfire - Vol.2 [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Ubiquity Jaw Breaks [CDDA] link 1CD (Raw, unadulterated, super-rare breakbeats from the '70s for DJs and producers) 12.12.05 [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] [sample] Killer Hertz I [CDDA] link 1CD [sample] Killer Hertz II [CDDA] link 1CD [sample] Killer Hertz III [CDDA] link 1CD [sample] Killer Hertz IV [CDDA] link 1CD [sample] Midimark Powerhouse Vol.1 [Ensoniq] link 1CD [sample] Midimark Powerhouse Vol.2 [Ensoniq] link 1CD [sample] Optical Media Reflective Art The Denny Jaeger Master Violin Library [Ensoniq] link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 01: Synths 1 link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 02: Synths 2 link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 03: Rhythm Section link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 04: Pianos & Organs link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 05: Symphonic link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 06: OmniSoundz GM link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 07: Reality Drums link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 08: Monster Drums link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 09: Vintage Drums link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 10: Instruments of the 60's & 70's link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 11: Retro Keys link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 12: Acoustic Folk link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 13: World Percussion link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 14: Ethnic Instruments link 1CD [sample] Sonic Refills Vol. 15: Film Orchestra link 1CD [SUPER HIT] PG Music Band in a box 2006 Megapak + Band-In-A-Box Stuff link 1CD [SUPER HIT] PG Music Band-In-A-Box 2006 ADDON 23-Pak link 1CD [SUPER HIT] PG Music Band-In-A-Box 2006 ADDON 16-Pak link 1CD [SUPER HIT] PG Music Band-In-A-Box 2006 ADDON 11-Pak link 4CD-Set 11.12.05 [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url] [SUPER HIT] [SFX] Sound Ideas 11000 Sports Sound Effects Library link 5CD-Set Sound Ideas. The Series 11,000 Sports Sound Effects Library. The Sports Series offers extreme closeups of individual hits, impacts and catches, full competitive game action recorded at the sidelines, and the sounds of spectators, crowds and stadiums in a wide selection of sports activities. 10.12.05 [sample] Uebeschall Easy Listening [CDDA] link 1CD [sample] Uebeschall 1st contact [AKAI] link 1CD [sample] Sony Media Software Numina II ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] MAC Zero-G World Pack For Garage Band link 2DVD-Set 07.12.05 [SUPER HIT] Golden Ears Audio Eartraining link 9CD-Set [audioappz] Waves GTR Guitar Tool Rack v1.0 -H2O + NI Guitar Rig 2 -H2O сборник 1СD 05.12.05 [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Native Instruments Guitar Rig 2 FULL ISO link 1CD [SUPER HIT] [sample] Ueberschall URBAN JOINTZ [multiformat] link 1DVD (Multiformat, Apple Loops, Acid, Rex2, Wav, Aif - [хипхоперы только взгляните на коробку]) [sample] Studio Cat Purrrfect Drums [GIG-multiformat] link 1DVD (acoustic drum sample library for use with GigaStudio or HALion) [sample] Big Fish Audio African Secret ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Big Fish Audio Sound Palette Hip Hop ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Sony Media Software The Electro Set ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Sonic Foundry Classic Country ACID/WAV link 1CD (All the Country with none of the incest. This great collection is no longer offered, shame because of GREAT mandolins, banjo, acoustic guitars, bass etc) [sample] Big Fish Audio Jazz / World NNXT/EXS/HALion/Kont/REX/WAV link 1CD 03.12.05 [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url]
  20. [url]http://forum.topsound.ru/showthread.php?t=154&highlight=%EC%E8%ED%F3%F1%E0[/url]
  21. Steinberg Hupersonic 2 появился на [url]www.topsound.ru[/url] :eek:
  22. обсуждаем и скачиваем профессиональные библиотеки звуков для озвучивания фильмов, рекламных роликов, джинглов. [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url] -> далее форум.
  23. вот здесь [url]www.topsound.ru[/url] их гораздо больше, качественней и правильней.
  24. Native Instruments Guitar Rig 2 [url]www.topsound.nm.ru[/url] [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url] 05.12.05 [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Native Instruments Guitar Rig 2 FULL ISO link 1CD [SUPER HIT] [sample] Ueberschall URBAN JOINTZ [multiformat] link 1DVD (Multiformat, Apple Loops, Acid, Rex2, Wav, Aif - [хипхоперы только взгляните на коробку]) [sample] Studio Cat Purrrfect Drums [GIG-multiformat] link 1DVD (acoustic drum sample library for use with GigaStudio or HALion) [sample] Big Fish Audio African Secret ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Big Fish Audio Sound Palette Hip Hop ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Sony Media Software The Electro Set ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Sonic Foundry Classic Country ACID/WAV link 1CD (All the Country with none of the incest. This great collection is no longer offered, shame because of GREAT mandolins, banjo, acoustic guitars, bass etc) [sample] Big Fish Audio Jazz / World NNXT/EXS/HALion/Kont/REX/WAV link 1CD 03.12.05 [SUPER HIT] [SFX] Sound Ideas 20th Century Fox Sound Effects Library link link2 10CDSet The 20th Century Fox Sound Effects Library The Twentieth Century Fox Corporation has authorized a special agreement with Sound Ideas to make available a collection of outstanding sound effects from their Editorial Department. This 10 CD library has been digitally remastered and boasts over 1,350 sound clips representing years of legendary motion picture history. 02.12.05 [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Big Fish Audio Prosonus The Orchestral Collection link 1CD [sample] Best Service Ethno World Vol.3 UPGRADE [GIG] link 1DVD [audioappz] Lexicon Impulses Collection 1CD Lexicon 480, 960, LXP 15,MPX 500, PCM 70, PCM 80, PCM 90 & PCM 91 impulses [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Native Instruments Traktor DJ Studio 3 FULL ISO + update link 1CD (Finally a proper Traktor 3 propz to H2O & delerium! (PC non-hybrid)) [audioappz] Sound Quest XL Instruments Definitions link 1CD (Самая грандиозная коллекция рулилок любых синтезаторов и патчей к ним Instruments Definitions for Sound Quest XL) [SUPER HIT] [audioappz] Master Writer with serial and crack included link 1CD (Beautiful software for writing lyrics, inludes a full rhyming dictionary, etc.) [sample] Big Fish Audio Virtual Analog Vol. 1 [AKAI] link 4CD-Set (Waldorf Q, Yamaha AN1X, Clavia NordLead & Novation Nova excellent multisampled sound patches!) 01.12.05 [SUPER HIT] Submersible Drumcore v1.5 rus info link 3DVD-Set 28.11.05 [SUPER HIT] [SFX] Sound Ideas Series 12000 - Anchors Away link 15CD-Set (The Series 12,000 Anchors Away Sound Effects Library - Sound FX 48KHz/WAV/16bits , good collection of 40 different small boats, personal watercraft, racing, fishing and excursion vessels!) [sample] Big Fish Audio Hard Tracks For Cinema Apple Loops [AIFF/Apple Loops] link 1DVD (tough Breakbeat, Electro, Big Beat, Nu School Breaks, Hardcore, Nu Metal and Experimental beats) 26.11.05 [SUPER HIT] Pro Tools 7.0 LE PC users, serial donload неrе + e-book 1CD Pro tools Overdrive! (Ebook 2005 PDF ) [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Garritan Jazz & Big Band (VSTi,DXi,AU,RTAS,Mac/PC) link 1DVD Garritans Jazz & Big Band Library wird Mitte November 2005 ausgeliefert. Sie bietet Trompeten, Posaunen, die komplette Saxophon-Sektion, Keyboards, Rhythmus Sektion - uber 50 Einzelinstrumente. 19.11.05 [SUPER HIT] [sample] Sampletekk The Big One 24bit [multiformat] link 3DVD-Set [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Zero-G Vocal Forge (VST2.0,DXi,ASIO,AU,RTAS,Mac/PC) link 1DVD [SUPER HIT] [sample] Post Audio Media - Post.Piano Suite Vol.1 [GIG] link 2CD-Set (an 8 velocity sampled concert grand as well as several other orchestral instruments.) [audioappz] Protools M-Powered incl serial Full Works ISO+Keygen+Manual 1CD (protools m-powered, protools 6.7, diogo santos crack, and instructions works) [VSTi] MAC/PC Camel Audio Cameleon 5000 rus link link 1CD [SFX] [sample] Platinum Sounds For The 21st Century Electricity CDDA link 1CD [SUPER HIT] [sample] Precision Sounds Dusty Electric MkII [Halion,Kontakt,WAV] link 1CD (24-bit multilayered Rhodes patch ) 16.11.05 [SUPER HIT] [VSTi] Korg Legacy Collection Digital Edition + crack + H2O update 1CD Full Collection Databecker Sound Clips 12000 ACID/WAV link 10CD-Set [sample] Databecker Sound Clips 12000 Vol.1 Techno [sample] Databecker Sound Clips 12000 Vol.2 House [sample] Databecker Sound Clips 12000 Vol.3 Hiphop [sample] Databecker Sound Clips 12000 Vol.4 Dance [sample] Databecker Sound Clips 12000 Vol.5 RockPop [sample] Databecker Sound Clips 12000 Vol.6 Klassik.WAV [sample] Databecker Sound Clips 12000 Vol.7 World.NewAge. [sample] Databecker Sound Clips 12000 Vol.8 Vocals [sample] Databecker Sound Clips 12000 Vol.9 Special.Effects.WAV [sample] Databecker Sound Clips 12000 Vol.10 Multimedia.WAV ------------ [sample] Electronisounds Junebugs Mad Beats REX/ ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Monsta Tronic Vol.1 ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Poison Sounds ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Super Pads and Textures ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Supreme Sounds ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Serious Electro ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Jungle Explosion ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Groove A.Liptic ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Greatest Beatz ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Evolved Beatworks ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Electro Synthbox ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Elastic Drum And Bass ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Dub N Trance ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Da Funky Style ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Breakbeat Explosion ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Ambient Dreams ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Technomania Vol.1 ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Technomania Vol.2 ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Technomania Vol.3 ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Trance Explosion Vol.1 ACID/WAV link 1CD [sample] Electronisounds Trance Explosion Vol.2 ACID/WAV link 1CD 12.11.05 [SUPER HIT] [sample] Notre Dame de Budapest - Symphonic Organ GIG3 link 1DVD (NDB Symphonic.Organs included in GS3 retail (Request)) ... [url]www.topsound.nm.ru[/url] [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url]
  25. Самые новые VSTi и сэмплы AKAI, GIG, Halion, EXS, SampleTank, Kontakt. -------- [url]WWW.TOPSOUND.RU[/url] -------- [url]http://www.topsound.nm.ru[/url]
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